Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Important Thing

Family. The most important thing in my life.

My daughter is painting an oil on canvass of a picture I shot while covering a funeral of a fallen soldier.

She plans to give the painting to the family.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


I'm so distracted this week; I've got so many projects going on - I'm not really sure where to begin. Kennedale News has to be at the printers by Wednesday (this is Tuesday and I haven't created the file yet), Kennedale Racing needs to be at the printers by next week [not even started on the March edition yet] and my other websites need tending.

On top of that I've a health concern going on; skin cancer (small and treatable) but the medicine omg - has horrible side effects......[If you are a praying person, please add me to your prayer list].

What do you do when you're over extended and needing to focus?
Here's a pic of one of the stories that will run in Kennedale News, this week. It's about a "Donkey Basketball Game" at the jr high. It was hilarious. The people that participated were from city government and the school district.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Canned Food Drive

As publisher of the local newspaper I was invited to take pictures of elementary school kids bringing canned goods up to our church. There are 7 4th grade classes and each class collected over 100 cans. This photo will appear in Kennedale News next week.

iMompreneur created

Like I need another website to keep up with.......I'll be official launching iMompreneur very soon. It's currently sitting at iMomPreneur.

I am also looking for founding members who would like to share their expertise.

I created this site with the idea, of helping mom business owners and work at home moms. It is a place to network, share ideas, harness the power of the internet, and grow your business.

If you are a mom-preneur, please join me in my quest.