Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Trade Marked Names Are No No's

This probably should go without say. Whenever planning to start a new website, make sure the name of your site isn't already trademarked.

The site I created iMompreneurs was infringing upon two different trademarks. Mompreneur and iMom. Though I may have been able to win the arguments, I didn't want the headache.

Needless to say, the name has been changed. The is now

1 comment:

  1. What a frustrating business battle :-(. I will be going through the trademarking process very very soon, looks like I need to talk to you :-). I don't understand how someone who has trademarked a specific name can lay claims to variations of that name. UGH!

    Blog: My Business Adventures
    A Mom’s Real-Time Journey Starting a New Business.
